Sunday, April 13, 2008

We have a new alert program coming this spring that features movable locations and user friendly pricing.


Unknown said...


This is not a comment, but a question. I am a librarian and have been asked to find out how many commercial vehicles (large trucks, semis) are struck by lightning each year. So far, I haven't found anything. Are you aware of a source that might have this info? Thanks!

Lisa Zwickey
Senior Research Analyst
J.J. Keller & Associates
Neenah Wisconsin

Melissa "Darla" In Texas said...

I was struck by lightning June 21st 2008. I was under a tree and all I know is that the tree exploded. I was thrown out of my chair and while i did not lose concousness, I am noticing some disturbing symptoms. My hair was cooked in the strike and when I went to the hairdresser to get the dead hair cut off, she noted that I had an area where the hair appeared to be burned off at the front of my head.
I am no longer able to multitassk. My short term memory is terrible, I get dizzy and disoriented, tasks that were previously mundane are a struggle. I am being called on errors at work, which I normally do not have issues with. I am having trouble sleeping and tremble at any given time. I have noticed heart palpitations. I have an appointment with a neurologist this coming week. I am starting to feel like I have lost my mind.

Unknown said...

Hey Michael,

I m Ravi from India just watched a show on NET GEO featuring ur story. Its really unbelivable. But what u r doin by creatin awareness by this blog is really a gr8 cause. Thnx so much for helping our society. Keep the good work Up. All the best.

Wilmerdon said...

Hello Michael,

Just heard you in BBC and came in to check out. Your advise will always stay with me forever. "When thunder roars, go indoors". Amen!

invicta1 said...

I was struck by lightning years ago. I was 14 years old at the time. I was at school walking to the bus at the end of the day. The only way to get to the buses was to walk near or under a large tree. I remember getting to the tree and the next thing I remember was regaining consciousness in an ambulance. I was in shock and kind of freaking out. I think the Dr. gave me an injection and the next thing I remember after that was awakening in the ER. This was in the mid-1970's. At that time they cleaned me up patched my left eye and pretty much sent me home. The procedures that are used today were not used back then. It was not treated nearly as serious as it should have been. After learning the entire story of what happened after I was struck I am very lucky to be alive. When I was struck unconscious I feel face first into a mud puddle. Fortunately there was a young adult man nearby that witnessed the entire thing. He pulled me out of the water in the puddle and could not find a pulse. He performed CPR and was able to resuscitate me. My lungs contained water and my left eye was packed full of mud and gravel. If not for this man's actions I would be dead for sure. Fortunately, the lightning hit the tree first and then hit me. Even though this happened I was in pretty bad shape and was sent home that day! When I arrived home I took a shower and prepared to get in bed. I was extremely fatigued. After the shower I could see the burn that started near my left eye and ran continuously to my right foot. After a few days I had an appointment to see an Ophthalmologist. He discovered a cataract in my left eye in addition to the bad scratches in my eye due to mud and gravel in the puddle. I still have the cataract although I have been advised to have it removed on numerous occasions. It grew very slowly but finally reached the point of needing surgery. Another problem I have suffered with is a severe essential tremor that affects my hands, arms, legs, and head when it is at its worst. I have suffered and been embarrassed by this condition since that time up until this day. There is really nothing they can about it except prescribe medications which all quit working after about 6 - 8 months. In addition to these medical problems I have numerous other health problems and have been on disability for the past three years. I attribute some of these problems to the lightning strike but others are more difficult to attribute to any particular cause. I have many of the classic symptoms listed on this and other websites however. The nervous system problems are almost undoubtedly caused directly by the lightning strike. Is there anyone out there that would like to share some of their medical conditions related to the lightning or electrical accidents? It would be interesting to compare some notes especially since this is the first site I have found that allows discussion and actually has a forum.